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WCW Sin (2001)

January. 14,2001
| Action
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Sin was a professional wrestling PPV event produced by WCW that replaced WCW's January PPV event, Souled Out. It took place on January 14, 2001 from the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. The main event was for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship between defending champ Scott Steiner, Sid Vicious, Jeff Jarrett, and Animal in a Four Corners match. The main match on the undercard was between Totally Buffed (Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell) and Goldberg and DeWayne Bruce, in a retirement match. Other matches included General Rection defending the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship against Shane Douglas in a first blood match, The Insiders defending the WCW World Tag Team Championships against The Natural Born Thrillers,a triple threat match for the WCW Hardcore Championship between defending champ Terry Funk against Crowbar & Meng, and 5 other matches including one for the WCW Commissioners position between Mike Sanders and Ernest Miller.


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That was an excellent one.


It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.


There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.


1. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Shane Helms Vs. Champ-Chavo Guerrero Jr. - Wasn't so cruiserweight, but last 2 minutes of the match were exciting, full of covers. Chavo defeated challenger. 7.5/10 2. Big Vito Vs. Reno - They put some watchable suplexes and there was clean Finish! Reno won! 8/10 3. Jung Dragons Vs. Jamie Knoble/Evan Karagias - Dear, I love those guys, what an exhibition of great wrestling moves. Jung Dragons won and I couldn't the other way then: 10/10 4. WCW Commissioner spot Match: Mike Sanders Vs. The Cat - This is when things got worse. The cat. No wrestling moves. Miss Jones (his wallet) can't stand. And he won with a help by KroniK. 4.5/10 5. 6 man Tag Team Match with Penalty Box: Team Canada Vs. The Filthy Animals - Dear, that match was crappy, cus of that stupid stipulations and it involved Konnan. Yuck! At least Team Canada won. 6/10 6. WCW Hardcore Title Match: Meng Vs. Terry Funk Vs. Crowbar - Meng won the title in a classic garbage match, what is strange, cus he appeared on Royal Rumble a few days later. 6.5/10 7. WCW World Tag Team Title Match: Natural Born Thrillers Vs. Champs-The Insiders - Fine that the Insiders lost Belts, which they didn't need. 6/10 8. WCW. U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-General Rection Vs. The Franchise - Boring as hell. Douglas won. 5/10 9. Goldberg/Sarge Vs. Totally Buff - Wow I have to say, I was surprised, when Totally Buff defeated Goldberg by pin. A little bit shocked. 6/1010. WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-Scott Steiner Vs. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Sid Vicious Vs. Mystery partner - One of the worst surprises, that mystery partner was Road Warrior, one of the oldest stars of that time. Pff. terrible handicap match to that point, even worse after that swerve on fans. 4/10

Spawn Devil

Match 1: WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs. Shane Helms The two started out with a series of hammerlocks and reversals. Helms hit a headscissors and followed it up with an armbar, but Chavo escaped. Chavo applied a full nelson, but Helms reversed it into a hammerlock. Chavo hit Helms with a few hard chops, but Helms returned with 2 arm drags. Helms hit another headscissors on Chavo, and then gave Chavo a modified facebuster into his knee. Chavo went for a knee into Helms' midsection but Helms reversed it into a rollup for a 2 count. A backslide from helms for another 2 count. Helms went for a powerbomb, but Chavo reversed it into a sidewalk slam for a 2 count. Chavo hit a dropkick for another 2 count. Chavo then applied a rear chin lock, but Helms escaped and gave Chavo a reverse atomic drop followed up with a neckbreaker but chavo kicked out before 3. Two two traded a series of punches before Helms hit Chavo with a dragon suplex. Helms hit a sidekick for another 2 count. Helms went for a monkey flip but Chavo tossed Helms over the top rope. Chavo then hit Helms with a top rope splash to the outside, but back in the ring Chavo only got a 2 count. Helms came back and hiptossed Chavo over the top rope, and he went up to the top rope and hit a modified cross body onto Chavo. Helms almost got the win after a sunset flip, and he then hit a samoan drop also for a 2 count. Helms hit the Nightmare on Helms Street (reverse DDT), but Chavo kicked out. Chavo went for the tornado DDT, but Helms reversed it and tried to go for the reverse DDT again, but Chavo reversed it again and finally hit the brainbuster for the pin in an excellent opening match. Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr by pinfall, to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Title Match 2: Big Vito vs. Reno Reno started out with a powerslam and continued to hammer away with fists on Vito. The action went to the outside early, where Vito was whipped into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Reno whipped Vito into the corner, but Vito came charging out with a clothesline. Vito propped Reno up on the top rope and hit a superplex for a 2 count. Reno started to work on Vito's legs, until Vito came back with an enziguri followed by a back suplex. The action once again went to the outside, where Vito was again whipped into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Reno hit a flying headbutt. Reno continued dominating Vito with stiff kicks and punches. Vito came back with a sunset flip but Reno kicked out at 2. Vito hit the mafia kick but was unable to capitalise to make the pin. vito then hit a clothesline followed by a double underhook overhead suplex. Vito hit a top rope elbow but Reno kicked out at the 2 count. Reno came back after a thrust kick and he went for the Roll of the Dice, but Vito reversed it into a nothern lights suplex. Vito went for a DDT, but Reno reversed it into a T-bone suplex. Vito tried to go for another DDT, but Reno reversed it into the Roll of the Dice for the win. Winner: Reno by pinfallMatch 3: The Jung Dragons (w/Leia Meow) vs. Evan Karagias and Jaime Knoble Kaz and Evan started out, and Kaz gave Evan a huge german release suplex. The action went to the outside where the Jung Dragons gave Knoble and Karagias a double springboard moonsault. Knoble and Yang got the tag and Knoble took Yang to the outside with a headscissors. Evan tried to go for a suplexplex off the top rope, but Kaz blocked it, and Kaz tried for a dropkick but Evan caught him with a dropkick of his own while Kaz was on the way down. Knoble and Karagias hit a nice double team sidewalk slam/legdrop combo. Knoble hit a dropkick and followed it up with a back suplex for a 2 count. Knoble hit a nice flying forearm also for a 2 count. Evan went for a press slam and turned it into a spinning spinebuster in an excellent move, but only got a 2 count. Kaz moved out of the way when Evan went for an elbow drop, but Knoble stopped him from making a tag. Knoble went for a rollup, but Kaz escaped and nailed him with the loudest kick ever heard. Kaz then made the hot tag to Yang. Yang cleaned house with a spinebuster. Knoble came back with a german suplex but Kaz broke up the pin attempt. Evan then gave Kaz a cross body onto the outside. Back in the ring, Knoble went for a top rope hurricanrana, but Yang reversed it into a top rope powerbomb, but Evan broke up the pin. Evan then hit Yang with a 450 splash but Yang broke up the pin. Knoble went for a suplex on yang, but Yang reversed in into an inside cradle and got the 3 count. After the match, Knoble and Karagias attacked the Jung Dragons. Winners: The Jung Dragons by pinfallMatch 4: WCW Commissioner Match: Mike Sanders vs. The Cat Miss Jones is also on the line. Before the match, Sanders insulted The Cat and the crowd. The Cat came out sporting a bald head. The Cat came out and said that the people have spoken and they want him as the Commissioner. Sanders attacked The Cat while he was posing for the fans. The Cat came back with a series of spinning kicks and followed it up with the 10 punches of doom in the corner. Sanders came back with an eye gouge and kick Cat with a stiff kick to the face. Sanders then applied the cobra clutch, but The Cat escaped and Sanders went for a sunset flip but The Cat did his trademark crotch chops and hit him with a forearm followed by an elbow drop. Sanders came back and took The Cat to the outside, and went to hit the Cat with a chair but Miss Jones took it out of him possession and kicked him in the head. Stasiak and Jindrak came to the ring attacking The Cat but Kronik came out and cleared them out and then proceeded to stuff Sanders' money in his mouth. He turned around and The Cat delivered the Feliner for the pin and to become the new WCW Commissioner. After the match, The Cat and Miss Jones pleased the fans with their dancing. Winner: The Cat by pinfall, to become the new WCW Commissioner Match 5: Canadian Style Penalthy Box Match: The Filthy Animals vs. Team Canada Hacksaw Jim Duggan came out as the referee. Team Canada came out in their Canadian Bus which had been cleaned from the Filthy Animals graffiti attack from a week ago. Storm said that Team Canada would be victorious, even though Jim Duggan was in the Filthy Animals back pocket. Anyone that breaks a rule, they must go into the penalty box to give the other team the power play. Rey and Storm started off. Rey took down Storm with a headcissors, and Elix Skipper came in but was put into the penalty box. Mike Awesome then came in and accidently hit the referee and was also sent to the penalty box. Konnan hit a powerbomb on Rey onto Storm. Rey hit a springboard body splash for a 2 count. Awesome and Skipper then were released from the penalty box. Storm tagged in Skipper, but Kidman came in with a headscissors followed up with a back suplex. Awesome and Storm were sent into the penalty box after double teaming. Konnan got the tag and hit the rolling clothesline. Rey then hit a springboard gullotine legdrop. Awesome and Storm then got released from the penalty box. Skipper hit a cross body and ducked for a Konnan clothesline, but Konnan caught him with a reverse DDT. Skipper came back with a missile dropkick, and he tagged in Awesome. Awesome hit a backbreaker for a 2 count. Rey and Kidman looked like they were going for a low blow so Duggan sent him to the penalty box. Tygress then sprayed Gunns with water (I wonder why) and Gunns attacked Tygress. Tygress and Gunns were both put into the penalty box. Awesome hit Konnan with a top rope clothesline for a 2 count. Everyone then got released from the penalty box. Konnan then hit the muel kick followed by a facebuster. Kidman got the hot tag and hit a backdrop and dropkick on Storm. Kidman hit a short powerbomb for a 2 count. Kidman then hit a plancha over the top rope onto Storm on the outside. Awesome got a pair of scissors and was going to cut Kidman's hair, so he was sent into the penalty box. Tygress hit the face full of stuff and she was sent to the penalty box. Rey then hit a gullotine legdrop on Storm. Kidman hit the Kid Krusher on Storm, but Awesome made the save. Awesome then hit a huge AwesomeBomb on Rey, but couldn't make the pin because he wasn't the legal man. Storm then applied the Maple Leaf to Kidman who tapped out for the win. Winners: Team Canada by submissionMatch 6: WCW Hardcore Title Match: Terry Funk (c) vs. Crowbar vs. Meng Terry Funk pulled Daffney out of the stands, and Crowbar came out and attacked Funk with a chair. Crowbar and Funk went backstage into the ladies bathroom. Funk smashed Crowbar with several trash cans and threw him into the toilet stalls. Meng then came in and knocked out both opponents with a mop bucket. Crowbar and Funk then continued to team up against Meng after several chairshots and trash can shots. Crowbar sprayed Funk with a fire extinguisher and nailed him with a few chairshots. Crowbar placed Funk onto a table and jumped off a 6 foot balcony and legdropped Funk through the table. Meng then superkicked Crowbar in the entryway. Funk then came back and nailed both opponents with a snow shovel. Funk then slammed Crowbar on a guardrail which snapped in half. Crowbar came back and placed a chair on Funk's knee and proceeded to stomp away on the chair. Crowbar applied a figure 4 on Funk, but Meng came in and gave Crowbar a top rope splash. Meng then hit another middle rope splash on Funk. Funk and Crowbar then hit a dozen or so chairshots in a row on Meng. Meng ame back and superkicked a chair in Crowbar's face and he then applied the Tongan Deathgrip on Funk, and got the win. Winner: Meng by pinfall, to become the NEW WCW Hardcore ChampionMatch 7: WCW Tag Team Title Match: The Insiders (c) vs. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire Before the match, the rest of the Natural Born Thrillers came down to ringside. Sanders said that at any time during this match he can make substitutions. Ric Flair came down to the ring and told the rest of the Thrillers to get backstage otherwise they would be fined and suspended, to which they grudgingly obliged. Palumbo and DDP started out. DDP hammered away with fists and hit a urinagi suplex. Kevin Nash got the tag and hit a big boot on O'Haire. Nash hit O'Haire with knees in the corner, but O'Haire came back with a sidekick which put Nash down. Nash caught Palumbo after he tried to go for a leapfrog, and dropped him face first over the turnbuckle. DDP got the tag but Palumbo took him down with a sidekick of his own for a 2 count. Palumbo and O'Haire hit a double suplex on DDP. O'Haire and Palumbo then double teamed DDP for the next few minutes, and they taunted Nash at the same time. DDP was able to fight back but Palumbo caught him and went for a tombstone, but DDP reversed it and hit a tombstone of his own. Nash then got the hot tag and hit a pair of sidewalk slams. Nash hit a big boot on Palumbo and then hit a powerbomb. Sean Stasiak came out but DDP fought him off. Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell came out and Buff nailed Nash with a wrench, and O'Haire hit the Seanton Bomb for the win. Winners: Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo by pinfall, to become the NEW WCW Tag Team ChampionsMatch 8: WCW United States Title Match [Chain on a Pole/First Blood Rules]: General Rection (c) vs. The Franchise The Franchise said he made things personal and that he would walk out of the buiilding the WCW US champion. Before the match, the referee found a chain tucked into The Franchise's tights. Rection started out with a double chokehold on Franchise. Rection hit an armdrag and worked over Franchise's arm. Rection was pummeling Franchise in the corner, but Franchise came back with a low blow. Rection then went up to the top rope and hit a clothesline. Rection went for the moonsault, but Franchise knocked him off the ropes. Franchise then hit a knee breaker and worked over Rection's knees with a spinning knee hold. He then applied a figure 4. Franchise went for a clothesline, but Rection ducked and threw him over the top rope. Franchise then hit a cross body block off the top of the guardrail. Franchise then applied a standing modified figure 4 leglock around the ringpost. Back in the ring, Rection came back and hit a press slam on Franchise. Rection then went underneath the ring and got a ladder to use to get the chain. Rection climbed the ladder and got the chain, but Franchise pushed the ladder over which knocked out the referee. Franchise pulled another chain from his boots and knocked out Rection. The referee recovered and saw that Rection was busted open and The Franchise was awarded the match. Winner: The Franchise, to become the NEW WCW United States ChampionMatch 9: Goldberg and 'Sarge' DeWayne Bruce vs. Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger If Goldberg's team loses, then Goldberg will be fired from WCW. Goldberg and Luger started out. Goldberg hammered Luger in the corner and hit a flying shoulderblock. Goldberg followed it up with a double underhook suplex. Buff came in and hit a suplex, but Goldberg got straight back up and turned a press slam into a powerslam, and then tagged in Sarge. Sarge hit a back elbow and knocked Luger off the apron. Sarge hit a back suplex and a middle rope elbow on Buff for a 2 count. Buff came back with a jawbreaker and he tagged in Luger who with Buff hit a double elbow on Sarge. Luger hit a running clothesline for a 2 count. Buff came in and hit a double arm DDT. Buff went for a suplex, but Sarge reversed it into a suplex of his own. Sarge then made the hot tag to Goldberg. Goldberg hit a pumphandle suplex on Buff. On the outside, Lex Luger went to the fan shown before who got an autograph with Goldberg, and Goldberg pushed Luger away. The fan then sprayed something in Goldberg's eye. Luger then hit Goldberg with a chair. Luger then hoisted Goldberg up on his shoulder and Buff went to the top rope and hit a super Buff Blockbuster and got the pin! Goldberg is FIRED! Winners: Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger by pinfall, so Goldberg is now FIRED from WCWMatch 10: WCW Heavyweight Title Match: Scott Steiner (c) vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid vs. The Mystery Man Before the match, Ric Flair came out and said the msyery man wasn't coming out yet, but he'd be here. Sid dominated the other two to start out. Then Jarrett and Steiner came back and double teamed Sid. Steiner hit a clothesline and then an elbow drop, and tauned Sid with a few push-ups. The match went to the outside where Sid was tossed into the stands. Steiner then hit Sid with the WCW Title belt. Back in the ring, Sid went for a powerbomb on Jarrett, but Steiner broke up the attempt. Several times during the match, Jarrett and Steiner went for the cover while the other man let them. Sid came back after a double suplex on Jarrett and Steiner. Sid hit two big boots on the both of them, and then Sid hit a chokeslam on Jarrett, but Steiner broke up the pin attempt. Sid then hit a cobra clutch slam on Steiner. Backstage we cut to the mystery man who is walking into the arena. Back in the ring, Steiner is shown dominating Sid. Ric Flair's music hits and the mystery man is walking to the ring. He gets in the ring and hits Sid with the weakest double axe handle ever seen and Steiner gets the pin. The msystery man is revealed as Road Warrior Animal. Winner: Scott Steiner by pinfall, to retain the WCW Heavyweight Title Overall Mark- C+
