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Transmorphers: Fall of Man

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Transmorphers: Fall of Man (2009)

June. 30,2009
| Adventure Action Science Fiction
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In this prequel to Transmorphers -- a sci-fi thriller that borrows heavily from the plot of Transformers -- planet Earth is in peril thanks to a rogue army of alien robots, and it's up to a small group of humans to mount a crippling counterattack. Can Sheriff Hadley Ryan (Bruce Boxleitner), a doctor (Jennifer Rubin) and an ex-Marine (Shane Van Dyke) find the automatons' Achilles' heel before they conquer the planet?


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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.


Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.


You know, the people saying this had the benefit of not having Michael Bay have it all wrong. It may have been better, at least I would have liked the action. But no, all you get is sub-par, Asylum rip-off. Z-level crap starring Tron's Brue Boxleitner again in a Asylum rip-off and this doesn't have the benefit of having a lesbian topless kiss scene. The Special effects are shoddy, the acting worse than Transformers 2 and believe me I didn't like some of the acting in that either. Stay away, please, go watch Transformers 2, I know all the hate it gets, but honestly is it that bad this movie becomes better all of the sudden. NO, it doesn't this is so much worse, so crappy and poorly done. I realize that Transformers 2 was a mess, but it was a fun mess, more fun than this movie.

Darth Cynic

I'll start by acknowledging I did not watch it all, only made it forty minutes into this truly awful dreck. Also, though I use words like plot, story and movie I don't mean to imply that this movie has any plot or should be considered a movie, I merely refer to what the producers fantasized as a plot etc. Oh and this may contain spoilers if such a thing is possible for a movie this bad.'Transmorphers FoM', with a name like that I knew I was not going to be getting premium fare though there was still a good chance of being entertained; many B movies are watchable like 'Suspect Device' with C. Thomas Howell or Grunner's dumb but fun efforts. So I stayed, however this was not B movie grade, was not even straight to DVD grade, heck this swill would struggle for the lofty heights of a gas station rack. It starts okay, an aerial pass over a city which looks quite good as some passable but formulaic epic score plays, however I'll be damned if I know what the opening had to do with the rest of it. It's completely random, they could have been in a bottle factory or segued from shots of wildlife to fishing and not be any less relevant to robot invasion. Alas that was this movie's only proper scene that I saw, as we got into the story the rot quickly set in. For some bizarre reason we spend half an hour rambling through a number of disjointed scenes that in many cases have almost no purpose, the only function was to randomly introduce main characters but in ways that did not really take the plot anywhere. For instance the kooky lead scientist is introduced via a coffee shop where she reads about the accident from the first scene. Why would this character react so strongly to this article and rush out the door with such urgency that she leaves her credit card behind without caring? Accidents are not unusual and she does not know the woman, the scene is pointless and nothing to do with the story. Or why does Boxleitner randomly ask the coroner out to dinner in one scene? We've not been given reason to suspect a romantic interest and I don't see any need for hamfistedly shoe horning in some tiresome, irrelevant to the story romantic interest for Boxy. It's like some dull witted drop out from film school thought the plot needed some levity even though practically nothing of any great peril has happened yet.One thing evident from the opening scene is either, no one involved can act or could be bothered to make the effort, really, I have seen finer work in adverts, Enzyte Bob had more screen presence than these refugees from the wood mill. The NSA guy is particularly incompetent, delivering lines with an over wrought, wide-eyed exaggeration. His female subordinate fares little better, trying to look and sound sultry but coming off as chronically fatigued. Another obvious malaise is the stunning lack of story beyond that we know the bots will reveal themselves to an unsuspecting Terra. Everything happens without reason, Boxy is obsessed with the killer phone yet has no reason to have any concern for it, in fact the damn phone should have just scuttled off after the crash. Our military lad has no reason to conclude these bots are drones or hostile just because the satellite dish transformed. There are dozens of these non sequiturs, so many that there is no logical way the story being related could possibly occur. Nor is it long before our "writer" drags the ever favorite alien invasion go to plot device of Roswell. Coupled to this is lumpen dialog badly delivered and painful to listen to; above it claims there is a writer but nothing in this could be called writing, lettered vomit perhaps but not writing. Monkeys with typewriters could do better; hell I'd have more emotional response to the blurb on a box of matches.Transmorphers effects could never be mistaken for 'special', the bots are awful works, it's 2009 and they look like CGI was just invented! Why in this day and age anyone would settle for such unconvincing rubbish is beyond me. Worse, they know it, hence most bot shots are them alone, sans humans, buildings and anything else they will look entirely fake in front of. The locations are no better. Here's a tip, if you cannot get stock footage of Edwards AFB or other airbase footage then don't bother. What you don't do is pass off a collection of storage tanks and non-descript refinery like industrial locale as one of the largest USAF airbases. The base got worse after the bots attack – though for no reason, it's not like they know who the characters are or should be concerned with them – and it vacillates between industrial to abandoned ground, same piece of concrete detritus over and over, the odd spurt of flame standing in for an explosion. It was during this unconvincing attack that the napalm grade stupid became too much and I changed channel.Transmorphers is pure undiluted excrement, with nothing in its favor; the writing and story don't exist. Acting is pathetic, not outrageously hammy just soul sapping pathetic. The effects are a visual cesspool that urinate in your eye. This is not a movie, I don't know what it is or why Syfy ever paid money for its worthless hide. Forty minutes in I was flabbergasted, I honestly did not realize there are folks out there who are so lacking in self respect that they would not have burnt this blighted creation. Actually how in the hells was the script not burnt on first sight and the "writer" black listed for crimes against the written word? My advice, don't watch it, watch paint dry instead, it will be far more compelling, coherent and worthy of your time.

Paul Andrews

Transmorphers: Fall of Man starts in Bakersfield near Los Angeles where Sheriff Hadley Ryan (Bruce Boxleitner) has a strange death on his hands, the daughter of a diplomat is found dead with an odd head wound & Ryan is puzzled. Meanwhile Hadley's niece Madison (Alana DiMaria) is having TV trouble so calls out the repair man & gets her ex-boyfriend Jake Van Ryberg (writer Shane Van Dyke) as he works for the satellite company, while checking Madison's satellite dish out back Jake is shocked to see it transform into a humanoid robot. It quickly becomes clear that modern technology is turning against us, electrical & mechanical devices are changing into killer robots. With the help of the NSA Hadley discovers that the robots are trying to send a signal into outer space to notify evil alien robots to start attacking, TV repair man Jake who was a crack-shot automated robotic weapons operator in the war & his ex-girlfriend Madison decide to try & save the Earth themselves...Directed by Scott Wheeler this prequel to Transmorphers (2007) which was a rip-off of Transformers (2007) is an obvious rip-off of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) from those untalented people at The Asylum to carry on their shameless & seemingly endless line of 'Mockbusters' & while it's maybe not quite as bad as the original Transmorphers this is still really bad on every level. The script is awful, there are so many plot holes & just plain stupidity that you wonder whether this actually had a script or if it was being made up as the makers went along. God damned this is bad, it's really boring for a start & even at only 85 minutes long it feels like it goes on forever. Some of the dialogue is amongst the worst I have ever heard, there's a bizarre conversation between a couple of people about the difference between an alien & an extra-terrestrial. Well, aren't they both the same? For some reason an extra-terrestrial will attack you in a friendly way while an alien will attack in an unfriendly way according to Transmorphers: Fall of Man. There's also a bizarre moment in which the signals being sent back into space by the robots is explained by comparing it to a TV remote control & if you put something the way you can block it. Yeah right. Who do the NSA turn to in order to save the world? Yeah that's right Jake the TV repair man since he saw a bit of action in Iraq. More of a rip-off of Terminator Salvation (2009) than Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen with a plot that revolves around machine rising up against civilisation & humanity fighting back with a lone John Connor type warrior in Jake the TV repair man, this is just a mess of ideas stolen from big budget sci-fi action films & it's truly terrible in every way.Conceptually Transmorphers: Fall of Man is awful but it is technically as well, the CGI computer effects range from poor to absolutely awful & the robots themselves are just pathetic that would embarrass a Playstation game. As well as making ordinary consumer electronics change into scary robots the transformation seems to make them bulletproof, when the black car changes & attacks the base why doesn't any of the gunfire damage it? Also when Hadley crashes into the robots & there's that huge (awful looking CGI) explosion why doesn't Jake get hurt from shrapnel or burnt or even knocked over when he's standing like just a few feet away? The action scenes are awful, it's impossible to get a sense of what's going on as the angles are so tight & the robots & human actor's rarely appear in the same shot. Then there's the terrible ending, Jake is surrounded by about five alien robots & the compound he is standing in is blown up with C4 yet in the very next shot Jake is standing outside without so much as a hair out of place. Although not violent there's one strangely gory moment that is at odds with the rest of the film, a woman who has had a pacemaker implanted is killed when the pacemaker turns into a spider robot thing & bursts out of her chest.With a budget that was probably about as low as they come just check out the so-called major military base that looks more like an oil refinery & seems rather short of soldiers considering, production values are rock bottom & the acting is poor although Alana DiMaria looks quite cute, Bruce Boxleitner must be desperate for cash or work or both & has the good sense to be killed off halfway through while star & script writer Shane Van Dyke is the Grandson of Dick Van Dyke.Transmorphers: Fall of Man is totally awful in every way, from horrible production values & CGI effects to a badly written plot that just tries to rip-off as many recent big budget Sci-Fi films as it can. This literally becomes painful to watch.

Movie Critic Genius

The title of the movie suits it, it is really THE FALL OF MAN when this movie created. Take note its a 2009 movie and the effects sucks big time! i better watch Latin soaps which i can understand a thing, but appreciate the sexy actress.Not worth to even RENT this film, but if you wish to see ROBOTS made of rubber then this is your movie.i would rate this move -999999999 i rather play TETRIS than watch this movie, if u may call it a movie?comments suggest that it must be 10 lines :((sorry IMDb but my 10 line will beit sucks big timeeffects sucks dunno if you may call it effectsdon't rent itbetter watch tom and jerry


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