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The Shadow Walkers

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The Shadow Walkers (2006)

September. 07,2006
| Horror Action Thriller
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Shadow Walkers is a highly suspenseful story of a group of lab technicians and military personnel who awaken in a subterranean laboratory with no memory of who they are. They quickly discover that they are sealed in, with only one way to get out alive. They must travel deeper into the underground facility to an escape tunnel that leads to the surface. Hindered by the fact there is only limited electrical power, they struggle through the darkness where they uncover a hive of genetically mutated creatures that stalk them from the shadows. Bred for combat, these monsters are endowed with razor sharp talons and rows of jagged teeth capable of ripping a man apart. While avoiding danger at every turn, they begin to regain their memories, discovering the origin of the deadly creatures and the part they played in their creation.


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Very well executed


Lack of good storyline.


Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

Married Baby

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?


The previous comments stated probably already summarized this movie to what it truly is, "Terrible". What the director needed to actually do was take a look at his plot, realize how senseless and unoriginal it is, and not go on with it. Instead, he just generated a bad plot and turned it into an even worse movie.You don't really need to even get pass the credits to realize how terrible this movie becomes. Right off the bat you see terrible special effects take place as the "Creature" tries to pick off the people one by one. The sound effects? It is very repetitive. You only need to hear one sound effect scream for the female and then the male and you can from there on figure out it's the same, not at any point even trying to use the own actor's screams themselves.Then you have the acting, oh at least I think it is. Acting of which every character seems to lack. With easily to determine fake horrific expressions and a monotone look on each of their face, it's no surprise that they only add salt to an open wound.Really a movie like this should be discarded even if given for free. The amount of time you spend watching this movie, can very well be spent better by staring at paint drying. With such unsubtle music appearing at inappropriate times, bad acting, and horrible special effects, the only good thing a movie like this can be said is that at least it's in color.

Ryan McLelland

Well I guess I'm a guy living in my mother's basement according to some "reviewer" (read 'writer' or 'director' or """actor""") because here I am to talk harshly about this film. To say that until you can write a plot and film a movie by yourself like these "filmmakers" did is laughable. Taking my friends to an abandon building after visiting a Halloween mask shop and taking whatever horrible digital videocamera I have and calling it "a movie" is possibly the worst injustice of all. To call this "filmmaking" is making even those who film Smokeless Ashtray commercials at 4AM sound bad.My girlfriend picked this up at FYE last night and we threw it in the DVD player hoping for some cheesy horror fun. Were we wrong! When the one "reviewer" said this film was a work-in-progress I really hope the filmmakers will ship me a final version when they decide this POS is finished. The film really looks like it was shot with a $500 digital camcorder picked up at Circuit City with actors who aren't even laughingly bad. If this was pure cheese it would have been great but after laughing for about 15 minutes the joke wore thin. How long is this? 90 more minutes? The "plot" centers around a bunch of "scientists" who get locked in the bottom of a building with these mutated monsters - mutated by the Army in, well, horribly horribly bad "Army cameo." (I guess I can ring in on this having been in the Army for 12 years. Wait - let me guess - "it's low budget so what did you expect???") The big breasted females shed their white coats right away to show off their sexy Cami's and the guys mostly keep theirs on because I'm sure the low budget didn't pay for the guys to get their own sweet, silky Cami's. Almost as if reading off cue cards the main characters bicker at each other and I almost either laughed my ass off or busted a gut in sheer pain at the "acting." They start running from the Halloween masked mutated monsters with long finger nails as they try to evade death and...And I don't know. I honestly couldn't make it through another second. We turned it off and put in something else, putting in something else - ANYTHING ELSE. What did I expect from this film??? I'm not bored with my life and trying to make myself feel better by writing here. I'm just shocked this cost $12 used. I'm harsh in my judgment only because the movie is so, so, so bad. So the actors, filmmakers, and such can come on here all you want and try to blast those who hated your film but get this - you made a HORRIBLE film.Enjoy this fact. Get some friends and get some alcohol. Every time the film gets worse - DRINK. I think I'll invite some peeps over and try watching it that way. It'll be a lot more fun that way and we probably will be drunk eight minutes into the "film." Embrace the suck people cause this is certainly one of the worst films I've seen in a long, long time. Guess I'll be moving back in my mom's basement now! Time to move the boxes off that old moldy couch down there Mom!!!UPDATE: I finally made it through the movie with a bunch of alcohol and a bunch of friends. It really was a stretch at 90 minutes but we actually had a GREAT time watching it. Is the film any different? No - it's still HORRIBLE. But it was a lot of fun watching the jock Army guy fight karate mutants with the 4 big-breasted scientists in tow. As a horror this is a HUGE failure - but as a Ed Wood-like comedy it was simply amazing and we had a GREAT time doing MST3K like dialogue along with drinking. We really decided that we want to do our own commentary to this film! Watch this with friends and with alcohol and this film bumps up from a one-star to a four-star like I'm doing right now. I am still planning to move back into my mother's basement any day now.

Paul Andrews

The Shadow Walkers starts as a small number of scientists & security personal wake up in the depths of the Medicorp Genetic Containment Facility, at first they have no idea who they are or what they doing there except Dr. Clay (Clay Adams) who seems to have all the answers. The assorted group of Medicorp employees quickly realise that they are not alone as the genetic mutant creatures created by them for the US military are on the loose & hungry for blood. They need to stick together to find a way out before they are either killed or turned into genetic monsters themselves...Directed by Mark Steven Grove this is yet another horrible, poorly made shot on a camcorder & edited on a PC zero budget horror film that is quite literally painful to sit through. The script by Dave Hodel takes basic concepts & ideas from Aliens (1986) & adds a whole lot of Resident Evil (2002) & throws a little bit of Night of the Living Dead (1968) into the mix as well. The whole film is a very predictable & by-the-numbers genetic monsters hunt & kill small group of humans in isolated location for no particular reason other than they are 'monsters' type scenario. The character's are awful, are we supposed to believe that a bunch of teenagers were in fact hired by the US Government as genetic experts to create super soldiers? I'm sorry but since when did you see a 19 year old genetic scientist? I would have though genetic scientists, doctors & experts would have been at least out of their teens. When's the last time you saw a fully qualified doctor who was in their teens? It's a very complicated job which requires years of training & experience. If three 19 year old kids came to you & claimed they were highly qualified & experienced genetic scientists would you believe them? Then there's the awful story, it is never explained why the group wake up with no memory of who they are, how Clay survives an attack & doesn't turn into a monster like everyone else, if the US military wanted to keep everything underground in the Genetic Containment Facility why was the hatch to the outside left unlocked so anyone or anything could just freely walk out & there are various annoying flashbacks too. At almost 100 minutes it goes on for too long, it's boring, it's predictable & the majority of the film is nothing more than teenagers running around very dark corridors.Director Grove doesn't do anything to make The Shadow Walkers any more bearable, every so often the film goes from horror to karate as whenever a genetic monster attacks it usually ends up having a martial arts fight with one of the human cast members. There's no scares & no atmosphere, maybe the makers felt that simply by shooting the film in really dark locations so you can't hardly see anything would create a atmosphere. It doesn't, it just annoys. The gore is minimal, there's some fake blood splatter, someone has his arm ripped off, a monster is impaled on a pipe & very little else. The special effects are far from impressive either, the monster mask make-up effects are poor & cheap looking.Technically the film is poor & looks every bit as cheap as it was. The locations look like car parks & maintenance tunnels, they are very repetitive & dull looking as well as being very poorly lit & shot. The acting is poor from no-one you have ever heard of.The Shadow Walkers is a rubbish predictable low budget horror with a terrible story that doesn't make much sense & has plenty of holes in it, it has really dark photography so you can barely see what's happening half the time & it has an unforgivable lack of decent horror or gore. I really can't see anyone paying good money for The Shadow Walkers & actually enjoying it.


many people really tear this movie apart and many mistakes were stated. First of all, the movie was shot on a very small budget, most people involved were interns in local Colorado film schools. So in a sense this was a low budget/student film in not so many words.Next, the movie was shot at Gates Factory (an abandonded building) NOT a parking structure.Lastly, the cover of the girl that everyone wonders about? That was the main scientist woman who turned into a creature in the end. So there ya go.I'm not saying this movie is the best but for many involved this was their first movie, so what do you expect? if you do rent this movie watch the "making of" documentary and you'll see this was a really low budget film. Maybe you won't be so harsh in your judgement!Ps...I know all this because I knowing of the people who were involved in the project.


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