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Deep Rescue

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Deep Rescue (2005)

December. 01,2005
| Drama Thriller Science Fiction
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The crew of the Discovery struggle to survive and escape to the surface after the Space Shuttle ditches into the Atlantic Ocean.


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Gripping story with well-crafted characters


Brilliant and touching


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

Leoni Haney

Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.


This is such a blatant ripoff it is almost laughable. But instead of a 747 and an all-star cast, we get a poorly done space shuttle and really bad actors, screenwriters, etc... The space shuttle (or any other aircraft, for that matter) would not survive a dunk so deep that a DSRV would be needed. It would crush like a Coors can before 300 ft. Any shallower than that, and the astronauts could just don space suits and swim to the surface. This was a really stupid idea for a movie plot (especially since it had been done before, and a lot better...)If this flick ever makes it to TV, the best part of it will be the commercials.


I found the basic premise of this movie to be quite interesting. A craft designed to go into space that ends up sinking beneath the ocean. The special effects were a bit weak, but I found the opening sequence where the mission goes bad and they have to abort to be rather exciting.Then the talking starts. It seems the one woman crew member gets around NASA pretty well. She is married to a NASA commander who did not fly on this mission, and has told him she wants a divorce. There's some history with the commander of the current mission, and despite the fact that he should be focusing on the crew's survival, all he can think about is getting back together after her divorce is final.This soap opera is doomed once the focus changes from survival to who Amanda is going to choose to hook up with. And then when her husband climbs into a mini-sub and drops into the shuttle at the bottom of the ocean - all plausibility is completely gone! It's hard to describe how horrible this movie becomes. When you stop caring if the characters live or die and want them to just shut up about their stupid relationship, there's really no point in watching any more. I, like others reviewing this film, want my two hours back. I will never understand how such totally inept, weak movies get made. Who pays for them? And why? And doesn't anybody ever look at what they are doing and realize there's absolutely NOTHING of value getting onto the screen?


Move over "Battlefield Earth." Heave to, "Waterworld." I think IMDb needs to make a sequel to its own list: Son of the Bottom 100! And the only movie on the list is "Deep Rescue." I generally love the sci-fi action/adventure. It's possible that my appreciation for the genre makes me more critical than I should be, but this is a giant, space shuttle-shaped turd floating in the toilet bowl of film as we know it.The script seems to be a race to see how many clichés each character can jam in per shot. The acting/directing looks like they all flunked out of the William Shatner School of Dramatic Emphasis. The most shameful mess was how often the story ripped off other considerably more brilliant deep sea crisis flicks, particularly "The Abyss." It was such a flagrant steal that I expected pretty little water aliens to appear when the romantic leads get stuck in a collapsing DSRV. I imagine the creatures would be queued in right after the couple promises to survive for one another and hang on no matter what even though they fought non-stop for the first 100 minutes of the movie just like Bud and Lindsay. But with an obviously limited special effects budget, someone's nephew would have had to draw the little space angels on overhead transparency and wiggle them around behind a fish tank. Maybe they couldn't even afford a 4th grader, particularly if he was working for scale.I won't say that "Deep Rescue" is as bad as the 2005 rehash of "Pride and Prejudice," because P&P was actually trying to be literary. But this pretty bloody terrible. I'd love to see MST3k revived just for this monstrosity.


The famous physicist, Wolfgang Pauli, once described students physics paper as "It's not even wrong". That describes this movie. Now I don't demand absolute technical accuracy in the movies I enjoy. I'm not one of those who freak out because space ships make noise in the vacuum of space. But when they make a movie about real life things, like the space shuttle for instance, I expect at last half an attempt to make it believable. A summary of glaring inaccuracies. Don't worry, while some may call these spoilers, there's nothing here to spoil...When the shuttle attempts an RTL (Return to Launch) abort, they do a nose over, a half a barrel roll and then attempt a turn to starboard....uh, with the external fuel tank still attached and the main engines firing. Uh, NO.When they do jettison the external fuel tank, the main engines continue firing for time and then later shut down. Sorry, the space shuttle doesn't carry any internal fuel.When they find they can't make it back to launch point, NASA instructs them to do a trans-Atlantic crossing and land in Europe. They inform NASA they can't because they've lost their main engines. What, they were going to fly it across the Atlantic like an airplane? And then there's the ditching in the ocean, and the shuttle sinks to the bottom. Yes, the shuttle is built to be air tight, but its designed to hold pressure in, not out. Put that thing under water and it would get crushed like a beer can.When it appears that the oxygen supply, which was enough to keep them alive for days in space, will only last a few hours under water, they need a way to escape. So they turn to the satellite they were carrying into orbit. The plan? Get into the satellite, jettison it, and let it take them to the surface. Space and weight are at an absolute premium on satellites. They don't have room for people inside, and even if they did, it's certainly not pressurized with an air supply. Oh, and a ten ton satellite definitely won't float. A friend of mine works for a company that builds satellites. I'll have to ask him how deep they test them under water.And this all says nothing about the acting, or lack of therein. Dale Midkiff appears to put all his energy into convincing the world that he's a real bad boy. The only thing bad is his acting. The good news is, he's the high point in this stink bomb.Basically this move is just silly. A total waste of time.To put in simply, this movie is just silly.
