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The Spanish Prisoner

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The Spanish Prisoner (1998)

April. 03,1998
| Drama Thriller Mystery
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An inventor of a secret process suddenly finds himself alone as both his friends and the corporation he works for turn against him.


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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.


For the benefit of those who haven't seen the film, 'The Spanish Prisoner' is a con game playing to a victim's vanity and greed. I didn't know that before watching the picture, but have seen the modern day, internet equivalent in action that goes by the name of a Nigerian Money Transfer. Same idea, you'll get rich if you shell out some cash to help out a 'rich' unfortunate in a foreign country. Sure, and there are bridges in New York City you can buy too. This was a compelling and intriguing story up to the point when Joe Ross (Campbell Scott) knew he was duped. Then it sort of fell apart under it's own complexity. What gave it away was one main thing. In a glaring unforced error in screen writing, Ross's contact at the FBI accepted his cold call and agreed to meet him at a questionable location. Ross, who was smart enough to come up with 'a process' that would control the global market for his company, didn't have an inkling that the odds of getting face time with an agent were virtually nil on the basis of an anonymous phone call. That one instance lowered the credibility factor of the story for me, and then it was a patient wait to see how it all played out. One thing though, I'd never seen Steve Martin in a serious role before and I thought he did a great job as the enigmatic Julian 'Jimmy' Dell. His role was critical in setting up the scam, the grift as it were, The Spanish Prisoner trap for Ross. I liked what he had to say about good people/bad people, that people generally look like what they are. I've often come to that same conclusion myself, it's sort of an intuition you get about someone who might not be playing it straight with you. I thought Jimmy Dell was giving off that vibe even while being generous to a fault with Ross. But if you're looking for that switch with the red bound book containing 'the process', you're not going to see it. The camera never leaves the book when it was positioned on the ledge by the phony FBI agent and then handed back to Ross. You just have to take it on faith that the scam was pulled off. So without analyzing things too thoroughly the film is a good enough mystery flick, but still, it's the little things that bother me. Like the switch Joe Ross himself made with the Budge tennis book. It turned out to be a maguffin of sorts with no bearing on the outcome of the story, just like Jimmy Dell's 'sister' ruse. And in the end, Joe Ross WAS the victim of an elaborate scam because his process notes were gone along with his expected big time pay day. Some days, it just doesn't pay to chew through the restraints.


„The Spanish prisoner" is along with „House of games" Mamet's finest movie . There is quite a lot of Hitchcock style in it , but in the end the whole thing is pure Mamet. What makes is different than other thrillers is the theatrical approach to it . If you're expecting chases , action, violence or shock you won't find it here . The whole movie is quiet , moves slowly and actually feels like a real life . I would even dare to say that is an intellectual thriller."TSP" requires patience from it's audience. If you have it you will be rewarded . It's impressive how subtlety Mamet changes our perception of characters through the movie . When the twists will come around you will be only able to smile with appreciation – they are so clever.Campbell Scott is great as Joe Ross – the main hero . He reminded me of a serious Harold Ramis . There are many different aspects of he's character that he is able to show the audience. I was pleasantly surprised by Steve Martin (yes , THIS Steve Martin) as Jimmy Dell. His cold demeanor really fits his character. Ben Gazzara gives a nice supporting role as Klein. There are also Mamet's god old buddy's – Ricky Jay as advocate and friend of main hero George Lang and Ed O'Neil (famous Al Bundy ) as FBI agent. The only weak point in the acting team is Rebecca Pidgeon (Mamet's wife ) as Susan Ricci . Her character is barely written and her acting is very one note. It's the weakest performance of the movie.The whole thing was not only written , but also directed by Mamet . He's a solid director , but his movie lacks emotions . It seems like it never bothers to be exciting . It's kinda refreshing after all those Hollywood thrillers. Yet , I believe that the ending begs for some REAL TENSION . It comes out as rather anti-climatic final also because it feels like a deus ex machina type of ending ."The Spanish prisoner" is a cake that lacks the cherry on the top (or I should say at the end) , but it's still a great cake. I give it 8/10.


Easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. In order to complete this thing, the makers/writer had to create the stupidest main character ever. He continually puts himself into situations, and performs acts, that require the suspension of belief and the necessity of the audience to reject common sense or any intelligence at all. It is not an intricate plot, or suspenseful if, in order to create that atmosphere, the main character is a dolt. But that is what happens in this movie. Nothing makes sense. The fact that the actors didn't roll their eyes every time the plot was ridiculous (which was every five minutes) is a credit to their acting abilities. The fact that they took part in this movie is not. The title of the movie should have been "You've Got To Be Kidding" or maybe "Stupid, stupid, stupid". Pick another movie - it almost has to be better than this one.


There are many kinds of cinemas. This one is one of the top examples of story telling. You won't notice any camera work, any music (was there any?) etc. You are just absorbed by how well the story is told. Trust me, within 5 minutes (though you won't get to understand what's exactly happening there in such short time) you'll be absorbed. Even Steve Martin is watchable.Also perhaps the only movie (at least for grown-ups) with no swearing. At all. Except for a short scene showing a stabbed body, this is a film for everybody (if the youths can get it). In this regard, the exact opposite of "Glengarry Glen Ross".I find it very strange that the less people have to say, the more they shout and swear. As if even their ordinary words require some kind of 'strengthening' to be taken seriously. You can't just say something is good, because, you see, nobody would take that. However, when saying "something is f... good", you suddenly receive all the attention you've wanted, and they even believe you. Going further down that road, I suppose one day we have to kill our loved ones, to convince them that, indeed, we love them. Exaggerating? Really? Remember LOST TV series and its throughout gratuitous violence, like the scene when Locke, burdened with the memory of something bad in his life, being hit with the car by Desmond, so that he would let go? Figure that out: I care so much for my friend that when I see him troubled by something I hit him with my car (violently, by the way) so that he would let go and start smiling again.Back to the movie at hand, I'll have to warn you that after seeing this one, you won't anymore enjoy your daily movie rubbish. That happens, you know, when you have the courage to open up your eyes.In the same evening, I also saw 'Harrison Bergeron' (1995), another story-teller, and now I'm having trouble finding MOVIES (you know, the ones that you can watch beyond their first 10 minutes).So, if you're comfortably numb (as Pink Floyd put it a few decades back), stay away from movies like this one.


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