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WWE New Year's Revolution 2005

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WWE New Year's Revolution 2005 (2005)

January. 09,2005
| Drama Action
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New Year's Revolution (2005) was the first annual New Year's Revolution PPV. It took place on January 9, 2005 at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The main event was an Elimination Chamber match for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship between Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit. Another primary match on the card was Muhammad Hassan versus Jerry Lawler.


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1) Tyson Tomko and Christian vs. Eugene and William Regal (for the tag team title, if you can believe that!). Not as pathetic as I expected, though what really makes it interesting is that it's one of those rare matches where everything doesn't go as planned: Eugene hurts his knee for real, Regal's nose bleeds for real, and Tomko is "pinned" even though his right shoulder is several inches above the canvas. **2) Lita vs. Trish (for the women's title). The build-up to this match is great. The match itself is a sad disappointment. A disappointment, because it lasts only 2 minutes, as Lita gets injured after a risky stunt. And sad, because this injury was a serious setback to her career; I don't think she has wrestled again to this day since that match. *(By the way, Lita is far from being the "sloppy b*tch" another reviewer insultingly called her. In fact, she can do some things in the ring that most men on the current roster can only dream of).3) Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven (for the intercontinental title). This match never really starts. Maven trash-talks to the audience and to Benjamin for about 5 minutes, and gets pinned by him in 2 seconds TWICE. Obviously this rates below zero as a wrestling match, but Maven IS pretty funny on the mic and the crowd obviously enjoyed it, so what can I say? No rating.4) Muhammad Hassan vs. Jerry (not Springer, but...) "The King" Lawler. Mind-numbingly bad. At one point, there are six identical body slams in a row! I have only two questions: 1) Who is responsible for this garbage? 2) What punishment is severe enough for him? 05) Kane vs. Snitsky. As you'd expect from two big men, a rather plodding match, but this one has its moments, like Snitsky's bearhug (I never thought I'd see someone try THAT on Kane!) and the double attempted chokeslams. However, the premise on which the match was based ("it wasn't my fault") is utterly distasteful. **6) Elimination Chamber Match for the heavyweight title. Triple H vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge, with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee (I think he had more fans in the crowd that night than any of the participants!). It would be very difficult for this match to fully live up to the huge hype before it, and the commentators' overstating can get annoying at times. Nevertheless, it is by far the best match of the night, and considering its length it is relentlessly paced, with virtually no dead spots. Among the highlights: Benoit getting the crossface on Orton and HHH mocking Orton and supporting Benoit (!), HBK playing "Sweet Chin Music" on Edge (the crowd goes wild after that one!), HHH in double submission holds by Jericho AND Benoit, Batista throwing Jericho on one of the cameramen and later powerbombing him (a very high-impact move). Can't say I liked the ending, though. This was the second time in a row (after "Unforgiven 2004") that HHH defeated Orton with interference from (an eliminated) Batista and Ric Flair. ***


The crowd was quite high throughout the might despite the action. Definitely a one-match show. That's why I'm glad in the UK you didn't have to pay to see this one.Match Reviews.WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Eugene & William Regal (C) vs Christian & Tyson Tomko - Eugene made his entrance, in a mocking but lovable way, as Hulk Hogan with the outfit and the actions down to pat. He even wrestled like the Hulkster (punch-kick) and was quite entertaining. Christian shouldn't be battling for the Tag Team titles. Tomko is good in the he does and Regal is just himself. Good starter, too bad Eugene got injured.WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH Trish Stratus vs Lita (C) - The Women's Division is a joke and this doesn't help causes. People get boners over Lita's wrestling ability, saying she's a daredevil and all that, but she's not, she's just a sloppy bitch. I half expect her to come to the ring drooling.Muhammad Hassan with Khosrow Daivari vs Jerry "The King" Lawler with Jim Ross - Muhammad Hassan and Khosrow Daivari made their PPV debut here against Jerry Lawler. There was no commentary that really didn't help the match. If this is old style wrestling, I'm glad I started watching when I did.INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH Shelton Benjamin (C) vs Maven - Complete waste of time with Maven outside for ten minutes getting crowd heat. Then he runs in and gets pinned. Asks for a rematch and gets pinned again. Please, no encore.Kane vs Gene Snitsky - OK, let's go through this one more time. Gene Snitsky causes you to lose your unborn baby, puts you on the shelf for months, torments your wife while you are away and you decide to wrestle a normal match! Not once was a weapon even used! This match exposed Snitsky as the horrible worker he is. It's a pity Kane didn't have time to get back into ring shape as he's a good worker.ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH FOR THE VACANT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Triple H vs Randy Orton vs Batista vs Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit vs Edge with Shawn Michaels as Special Referee - So Triple-H loses the World Heavyweight title in a Triple Threat match when Benoit and Edge end up in a double pin/submission. Then he wins it back again straight away. And the point was? HBK took a bit of the match away from me as I knew he would have a hand in it. Edge gets eliminated by him. Benoit does his usual best, which I thank him for. Y2J isn't the same as 2000/01 and the Evolution members just suck for the most part. Good to see the WWe continuing the Batista/HHH angle.Basically a one-match PPV, don't go out of your way to see it, there's no point.


Like some people said, it's a one match show but still, that match didn't deliver. It's predictable from top to bottom and only when Benoit, Jericho & Edge were in the ring was quality!! Well, in fact, this is a pure RAW show except that it cost 40$ and it don't worth the price. Very poor event, 1st match of Muhammad Hassan dude too, the worst match I see in years since a bra & panties between Jack Brisco & Pat Patterson. Absolutely awful! Don't buy this show, try to watch the show before paying hard money on that. The work is not even solid, you remember WCW of 2000?? It was a pure masterpiece besides that. The work is crap from top to bottom, like I said only Benoit, Jericho & Edge give us our money worth but it's about 15 min in a 180 min show. Disgusting!


Apart for the Chamber Match, is there any reason at all to care for this show? Match 1: Eugene and Regal vs. Tomko and Christian. World Tag Team Championship.Well put together tag match, slightly above average. Starts off good with Regal against Christian. Eugene is tagged in but Tomko overpowers him. Tomko has been heavily criticized but I think he plays his role quite well. Regal gives Eugene the "Hot Tag" that we see in EVERY tag match nowadays. Eugene then blows his knee in a legit injury and pins Tomko with a poor roll-up when the match booking has to be changed.Match Rating: 3/5 Match 2: Lita vs. Trish. Women's Championship.Lita injures her knee after a Lou Thesz press, making it two legit knee injuries in a row! Again the match booking is changed. Trish regains the title after The Kick That Barely Connects With The Opponent. Match Rating: 1/5 Edge tells Bischoff that he doesn't want the match tonight because he has no chance of winning with HBK as referee. He wants to give it to Christian instead but Bischoff will have nothing of Edge's crappy ideas.Match 3: Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven. Intercontinental Championship Maven comes out and taunts the Puerto Rican crowd. This audience eats up everything so he manages to get some heat for it. Then Shelton pins him with a roll-up in five seconds! Maven is beside himself. He rambles about Shelton beating him when it doesn't count and saying we have two women's champions. Even The Ultimate Warrior makes more sense on the mic. Shelton immediately pins him again with a T-Bone suplex. Two jobs in ten seconds! I wonder if Maven bothered to shower after this p.p.v.Match Rating: 0/5 We see a Raw footage of Mohammed Hassan and Daivari beating down J.R. and King. In a backstage interview Hassan says the footage was typical for America – it showed only one side of the story. Damn, funny stuff here.Match 4: Jerry Lawler vs. Mohammed Hassan.Match begins with seven bodyslams! A good sign of how boring it's going to get. Hassan dominates but Lawler gets way too much offense in. After ten minutes, the match is still going (without any announcing!). The crowd is so excited, they're sitting. The King starts no-selling Hassan's punches! Me and my friends tap out hoping the match will end. It doesn't. More crappy booking and a messy finish follows. Match Rating: 1/5 My cable's acting funny tonight. Could it be some kind of defense mechanism…?Orton interrupts Batista's interview and asks if he's going to kick Triple H's ass tonight or kiss it. Good stuff.Promo for the Kane/Snitsky feud. I have a hard time staying awake during these segments.Match 5: Kane vs. Snitsky.An OK big men match. These guys work descent together but the angle is just painful. Some power moves, some action outside the ring and a bearhug from Snitsky that nearly puts the three of us to sleep. Due to the "Return Match Rule", Kane gets a clean win after a Tombstone Piledriver.Match Rating: 2/5 Triple H is questioning Batista's loyalty and Batista says he has HHH's back. This story has been built up beautifully.Match 6: Elimination Chamber World Heavyweight Championship I really like the idea of having Shawn Michaels as referee since he can possibly screw anyone here. Sadly they threw the unpredictability out the window with the Edge/Bischoff/HBK segment. HHH comes out to a huge face pop! Randy Orton has the next entrance and he tries so hard to get a bigger reaction he almost pisses his pants. Benoit starts of against Y2J and it's pretty intense but nothing fantastic. HHH is first to be released from the chamber. He dominates the other two. Crowd is into it. Edge joins the action and hits the Edgecution on Trips. Now it's going back and forth. A great match so far. I have to bring up the usual rant though: There are never more than two wrestlers active at the same time. WWE really needs to do something about this lazy match booking. Orton is in, still no eliminations. HBK gives Edge the Sweet Chin Music after being hit with the Spear by mistake. Edge eliminated. Benoit connects with a Diving Headbutt from the top of one of the chambers. Beautiful! HHH is put in the Walls and the Crossface at the same time but lasts an incredible amount of time so Batista can save the day. After dominating some more, Batista pins Benoit with a spinebuster. One have to wonder how a former champion and a wrestler who lasted out 29 men in the Rumble can be put away with that move. A Sit-down Powerbomb eliminates Jericho. HHH and Batista team up on Orton for a few minutes until Randy comes back with his secret weapon; the punch. Very boring performance by Orton in this match. He pins Batista after a low blow and an RKO but Flair interferes so HHH can hit the Pedigree for the win and the title (gee, I've never seen that ending to a HHH match before).Match Rating: 4/5 The Good: Great main event, kudos to everyone involved! The Bad: WWE showed the fans there is no need to take Hassan seriously since he needed help to go over an announcer! By having Eric Bischoff come out and welcome the people to the show when there was only one match left, they pretty much revealed how little importance the rest of the card had. The Ugly: Maven's push: Didn't last too long, did it.New Years Revolution Rating: 2/5
